U+17D3 ៓, Khmer-Zeichen Bathamasat - Unicode Zeichen

Zeichen / Symbol:
Name: Khmer-Zeichen Bathamasat
Offizieller Name von Unicode.org: KHMER SIGN BATHAMASAT
- originally intended as part of lunar date symbols, use of this character is discouraged in favor of the complete set of lunar date symbols
Hexadezimal: U+17D3
Dezimal: 6099
HTML-Kodierung: ៓
URL Kodierung (PHP): %E1%9F%93
Unicode-Version: Release 3.0, September 1999
Unicode-Block: Khmer

Ähnliche Zeichen/Symbole

Zeichen Unicode hexadezimal HTML-Kodierung URL Kodierung (PHP) Name Unicode Tabelle
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