U+06E1 ۡ, Arabic small high dotless head of khah - Unicode Zeichen

Zeichen / Symbol: ۡ
Name: Arabic small high dotless head of khah
Offizieller Name von Unicode.org: ARABIC SMALL HIGH DOTLESS HEAD OF KHAH
(Arabic jazm)
- presentation form of 0652, using font technology to select the variant is preferred, used in some Qurans to mark absence of a vowel
Hexadezimal: U+06E1
Dezimal: 1761
HTML-Kodierung: ۡ
URL Kodierung (PHP): %DB%A1
Unicode-Version: Release 1.1, Juni 1993
Unicode-Block: Arabisch

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ﹿ U+FE7F ﹿ %EF%B9%BF Arabisches Sukun Medialform Arabische Präsentationsformen B